(*^ ::[paletteColors = 128; ] :[font = input; ] This is a prototypical new cell. :[inactive; output; font = output; ] This is a prototypical new output cell. ;[o] This is a prototypical new output cell. :[inactive; font = message; ] This is a prototypical new message cell. ;[o] This is a prototypical new message cell. :[inactive; font = print; ] This is a prototypical new Print cell. :[inactive; font = info; ] This is a prototypical new information cell. ;[o] This is a prototypical new information cell. :[inactive; PostScript; output; pictureLeft = 61; pictureWidth = 282; pictureHeight = 287; preserveAspect; font = postscript; ] %! %This is a prototypical new %PostScript cell. Format this %cell to set the default size of %new graphs. :[initialization; font = input; ] *) This is a prototypical cell for non-Mathematica text files. (* ^*)